The total visitors of COMIC CON in Tokyo was less than 10% of Tokyo Comic Festival.
Tokyo COMIC CON recorded the largest number of the total visitors in 2019, and gradually has been increasing the number. The total visitors achieved at over 69,000 people. It was close to 70,000 in 2019.
However, compared with Tokyo Comic Festival which is like Japanese version COMIC CON , it was only less than 10%. In the winter, 2019, Tokyo Comic festival recorded 790,000 people. American Hollywood cartoon, action & SF movies have been recorded in Japanese Top 20, every years. Certainly, for instance Ghibli's works, some Japanese movies has more popular and potential for getting more visitors than American works in Japan. But the total income of American movies in Japan got more than the total of Japanese. So, the number shows us that Tokyo COMIC CON has missed the almost all the potential market in Japan.
Though we see Tokyo COMIC CON's frustration, it is not a rare case. It is usual.
Also, "Cool Japan project" has failed in foreign markets. Every year, the project recored huge losses but has been said "It should been run and carried on". So far the project has not grasp any hope and opportunity.
On my opinion derived from researching the cases, the cases may be similar to "Jam Problem" by Professor Iyengar. If you want to know the theory, please watch the video.
As Korean "K-POP" and Korean entertainment, even cultural contents can get successes.
However, the cultural pop cultural contents has the doubt of how many years duration.
About the topic, I will tell you near the future.